September 14, 2006
WHOOOHOOOO another Canadian won Rockstar!! Way to go Lukas!! Soon Rockstar won't allow any Canadians to enter.
Mike Boogie won Big Brother and I received something extra special that night . . .a phone call from Auntie Catherine (on her birthday too!!) It was really nice to share the moment with another Big Brother enthusiast. Thank-you soooooooo much for phoning and Happy Belated Birthday!!
Everything is going great up here in the North. Mike is continuing to cycle every day with his fellow cyclist Lyle Adams.
Cheyenne seems to be doing well in school and everything appears on track with her.
Dakota is enjoying his PE. He has it twice and is getting more interested in fitness.
Shawnee is doing book reports for her class and after 10 reports she gets a new book for her personal library.
Sierra is actually having spelling tests this year and I think she will be doing well. Even with her brush with the law. By the way she was grounded from riding the scooter for a week.
I've been looking forward to work every day. I enjoy my position and my co-workers. Crosses fingers that everything stays the same here. Very different attitude here at work. We have a couple of extra positions here I wasn't aware of MICE and BATS. AAAAAHHHH!! however I have yet to see any of the mice but I did see a bat. Waaaaaaaay waaaaaaaaay up in our huge ceilings.
Take care all,
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