Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Finally an update

Well things have been a tad crazy at work. Haven't been able to blog regularly. Everyone is happy and healthy up here. Mike has been working for me at Nisga'a Lisims Government. I was his supervisor heh heh. He replaced our Maintenance Supervisor for a month and WOW!! that is all everyone at work has said. There is a significant difference in level of service.

I shaved my head for Breast Cancer Awareness on May 12, 2007. Here is the pic of me right after I shaved it.

The kids are still awesome. Cheyenne still has no learner's permit but not for the lack of trying. All children are doing well in school.

That's the blog for today. Short and sweet!! Lots of love, hugs and kisses to all.


At 11:01 p.m., Blogger Crocus said...

Hi Char,
So good to hear from you on your blog. Good for you on the breast cancer shave! Are you checking my blog? http://cousey.blogspot.com


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