Sunday, August 13, 2006

Sunday August 12, 2006

lol!!. Poor floaters just don't know what hit them. What is up with Danielle picking Do Not Assume?? Everyone knows that a sheep is a ewe aka You!!. For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about I'm talking about BIG BROTHER. You have been evicted from the Big Brother House. AAAAAAAHHHHHH I win the coup d'etat.

News so far . . . hmmmmmmm nothing obviously. I have a job interview at NLG for Executive Assistant to the Programs Coordinator.

All I can say is I want out of the Nass Valley!! I already miss the island and i'm serious when we passed Burns Lake it was like out of a comic . . .the weather was crappy, it was raining and there was seriously a black cloud hanging over us. It's like the negativity over the Nass Valley is a Vortex of Evil. siiiiiiiiiigh. So all I can say is this that the Nass Valley residents are probably going to stay true to form and grant me an interview but I won't get the job. IF and this is a big if I do get the job I'll probably last I dunno maybe 3 months til the shit starts happening and I get let go. All I can say is that I am looking for jobs in Terrace and I'm crossing my fingers. I think we are even looking to move as far as Smithers oooooooorr 100 Mile House. Anywhere but here.

so this has to be a shorter blog because Dakota took the girls to the store with their bikes and more than likely I'm going to need to drive down there to avoid any unnecessary crying or spaz outs.

take care all,


Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Visit to Victoria

ok ok Since I've been inspired by all the great Ousey's and their blogs I am going to make a HUGE effort to try and blog in this spot. I had to start another blog as I couldn't gain access to the other coffee shop blog. Somehow I am going to try and get this blog spot to Dad and let his wizardry pass to the rest of the clan.

Visit with mom and dad was great as usual. Love you both and miss you both already. I told Mike to phone but he said . . .drumroll please . . . he just saw them for a week and he'll talk to you all again in another year. SOOOOOOOOOOO I'm doing it for us. Thank-you, Thank-you, THANK-YOU sooooooo sooooooooo much for making it possible for us to come down.

Jack, Zayda should stay now. That chick is crazy and she's really grown on me. Lukas kicked ass tonight and I couldn't stop singing I'm a creep.

Catherine, Daaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnng poor Danielle. Fat bitch Janelle is still there and hmmmmmmm will it be Kaysar or James? The pawn always ALWAYs goes home.

Noni, BIG HUGS and thank-you to you, John and Chelsea for opening your home to ALL of us. I know it wasn't easy or pleasant at dinner time (everyone probably knows about Shawnee, well at least Mom and Dad and now your little family) I soooooooooo enjoyed our time with you guys and of course hindsight is 20/20 and I thought half way home we shoulda got Noni and John a present to say thanks but hey now that i'm a billion miles away THANKS!! Chesea you were awesome with my kids, especially Cheyenne. It was great for her to get out and see life off the rez. The way you were with Shawnee and Sierra was great two. I know they are a handful. You were the best

Lyn, Your home was beautiful and Alan was really really nice. Awesome chicken Alan. Thank-you for opening your home for the Ousey clan. Adam, I'd like to thank-you in particular for having Shawnee believe she could stay with you. She truly believed that because Adam said she could stay . . .she could stay. Ask Noni about Shawnee and the 5 dollars I still "owe" her. Rachel it was nice to see you out dancing in the streets and getting Cheyenne off her butt and out there too!!

David, I really enjoyed our visit with you and your family. I really enjoyed picking on you. You know that I do it with love. We really do want you two to know that we really would enjoy Meagan coming to stay with us for awhile. In fact, Shawnee was willing to trade spaces with Meagan. By the way . . .Shawnee is pretty cheap keeping, she could live off bread, bacon, hotdogs and chicken MCNUGGETS. Keep that offer in mind especially when Meagan reaches the beautiful teen years.

Nana, the kids really enjoyed playing FISH with you. I am so happy they enjoyed their time with you and I hope you liked the dress and jewellery the two little ones bought. The clothes Cheyenne bought and the SCOOTER Dakota still is determined to buy. Love you!!

Ciao and hope to keep posting,
