Sunday, June 10, 2007

FYI Auntie Catherine

You Are a Boston Creme Donut
You have a tough exterior. No one wants to mess with you.
But on the inside, you're a total pushover and completely soft.
You're a traditionalist, and you don't change easily.
You're likely to eat the same doughnut every morning, and pout if it's sold out.


At 1:26 a.m., Blogger Crocus said...

Don't forget to email me with the date of your trip here in the south so I can meet you for breakfast.
Aunt C.

At 10:23 a.m., Blogger The Ousey's up North said...

Ooooooh When I was speaking with mom (Caroline) she stated you would be in Victoria when I was in Vancouver. I will be in Vancouver June 21 to 24th.


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