Monday, March 19, 2007

Going away for Training

I don't know what to write. Today was a bad day!! I can't wait to go home because I don't have to come back until March 26. I'm going away for training. YIPPEE!!!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Yesterday was Tara's Birthday. Tara is friends with both Cheyenne and Dakota. She brought up her X-Box game "Karaoke". BIG MISTAKE!! I love Karaoke. We sang until it was bed time. Before that I watched the movie Wickerman with Nicholas Cage. Another BIG MISTAKE!! It wasn't the best movie ever. Mike was not impressed with the Karaoke but I thought it was a lot of fun.

Shawnee and Sierra are well. They gave away two of the hamster babies yesterday. Whew!! only 6 more to give away.

Cheyenne and Dakota went to the birthday party until 8.

Thats all the news from up our way.

Monday, March 12, 2007

March 12, 2007

No boss today, he is away for training. Apparently . . . my boss has to go away for training on, "How to deal with Difficult Workers!!" hmmmmmmmmm. I don't get it, because personally I think I'm awesome. I am telling myself it is because there are other worker's in our Department. When I was registering him for this course, I was reading the course description on a website and said to the lady on the phone, "I don't understand why my boss has to go for this training?" The lady just laughed. She then asked me for my boss' name and job title, I told her. She then asked for my name and job title and I responded, "Charlene Ousey, Administrative Ass . . . . (pauses)istant to the Capital Projects Coordinator" The lady burst out laughing and said, "NOOOO . . I don't understand at all why your boss has to take this course!"

Mike went to town today, he took Shawnee and Sierra. Mike has continued the long and painful painting process. I believe we have 2 more weekends to go until completion. He asked me if I was going to be there with them and I said no. Mike's response, "Good." pssssssh. He said it was because I keep adding things for them to paint. He has been able to bike ride a couple of times in between painting, guarding and cleaning.

Cheyenne is still well. Dakota is still well. Cheyenne baked peanut butter cookies last night. AWESOME!!

It is the little girls parent/teacher interview tonight. I told my co-worker I'm not going because I believe that parent/teacher interviews should only be for the student's that require assistance. And since none of the girls are doing poorly in school, I don't need to hear the teacher say they are good pupils. (We just received their report cards)



Friday, March 09, 2007

March 9, 2007

Life is somewhat returning to normal . . whatever normal is. Shawnee and Sierra received their report cards today and both did really well.

Mike has been called out to guard everyday but he can't today because he has to paint. I'm hoping this painting project won't be too much longer.

Cheyenne is still dating her boyfriend Cyprian and still doing well in school.

Dakota is still single and doing well in school.

I am still working whew!!! That's about all our news.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Goodbye Christina . .you will be missed

This won't be a long post just a little something to say good bye to my neice, Christina Rose Verde. Christina and Cheyenne were born on the same day, December 30 but Christina was one year older than Cheyenne. The girls spent their birthdays together until Christina moved away last year. Christina was on her way to get her braces off, after wearing them for 3 years and was taken from us Tuesday February 27, 2007. She was in a head on collision with a semi-truck and she died on the scene. I will be taking Cheyenne to Prince George on Friday for her memorial and Saturday will be her funeral.

Not much more to say except she will be missed dearly.