Wednesday, September 27, 2006

September 27, 2006

ok now I can relax. Sierra had her tonsils and adenoids taken out yesterday. I have actually seen her today and she is fine. Her dad took her into town for her surgery and mom has lost alot of sleep worrying. Both dad and Sierra are good.

That's about the only update. Everyone is good. Work is good, school is good, life is good.


Wednesday, September 20, 2006

September 20, 2006

Good morning everyone,

Not much to post on. Sad that Big Brother and Rockstar are over. Happy Survivor started and TODAY America's Next Top Model.

As everyone can tell TV is a big part of my life. I do have a bike and it is on a wind trainer sooooooo I guess I should start cycling. I think I'm going to try that.

Cheyenne seems to still be doing well in school and with her life. She recently went to Greenville for the weekend and went to a dance there, no casualties so that is good news.

Dakota is getting more fit by the day. He has lost 5 pounds whooooohooooooo good for him. He walks the dogs every day and is working in PE.

Shawnee is right into book reports. She madly read 9 books yesterday so she could get a free book for her library. Good for her.

Sierra's new item in her life is her class pet "Dirty". He is named Dirty because he sleeps in his own . . . uhh . . .uhhhhh food and waste. She gets to bring him home this weekend. Lets all cross our fingers she isn't the one who kills the class pet.

Mike is still cycling every day with Lyle. I'm happy for him.

I still go to work every day which I'm happy for.



Thursday, September 14, 2006

September 14, 2006

WHOOOHOOOO another Canadian won Rockstar!! Way to go Lukas!! Soon Rockstar won't allow any Canadians to enter.

Mike Boogie won Big Brother and I received something extra special that night . . .a phone call from Auntie Catherine (on her birthday too!!) It was really nice to share the moment with another Big Brother enthusiast. Thank-you soooooooo much for phoning and Happy Belated Birthday!!

Everything is going great up here in the North. Mike is continuing to cycle every day with his fellow cyclist Lyle Adams.

Cheyenne seems to be doing well in school and everything appears on track with her.

Dakota is enjoying his PE. He has it twice and is getting more interested in fitness.

Shawnee is doing book reports for her class and after 10 reports she gets a new book for her personal library.

Sierra is actually having spelling tests this year and I think she will be doing well. Even with her brush with the law. By the way she was grounded from riding the scooter for a week.

I've been looking forward to work every day. I enjoy my position and my co-workers. Crosses fingers that everything stays the same here. Very different attitude here at work. We have a couple of extra positions here I wasn't aware of MICE and BATS. AAAAAHHHH!! however I have yet to see any of the mice but I did see a bat. Waaaaaaaay waaaaaaaaay up in our huge ceilings.

Take care all,


Friday, September 08, 2006

September 8, 2006

Of course I start posting at ten to five. Not going to be a long post. Next week I'm on my own at work so I know my supervisor isn't going to be coming up behind me and catch me blogging.

Life is good for all of us, no complaints anyway. ok ok with four kids there are complaints but i'm not gonna write home about them. lol. Did i mention it was ten to five on a Friday. Anxious to go home.

Wanted Janelle to win Big Brother but she's gone. TOO BAD!! now i don't care who wins.

Still want Lukas to win Rock Star Supernova

Take care all,


Thursday, September 07, 2006

September 7, 2006

Well yesterday was fun. Mike guarded all day. Sierra was brought home by the police. YUP Sierra . . . the 7 year-old. She was riding Dakota's scooter with no helmet and the police officer thought she needed a license. My cousin Robin's girlfriend had a baby girl: Jaimie Robyn. AND my cousin Mitch's daughter Christina ran away. She is the same age as Cheyenne and yesterday before lunch they hitchhiked in to Terrace and as of this morning still no word on her. I'll keep posted.



Wednesday, September 06, 2006

September 6, 2006

ok sorry for taking so long but our computer at home fizzled, so I'm using the computer from work to write this post. I am the new Administrative Assistant to the Capital Projects Coordinator with Nisga'a Lisims Government. As you can tell by my blogging from work there is tons to do. For the past couple of days I have been trying to recover my blog username, yes I forgot it.

Kids started school yesterday. Everyone was very happy especially mom and dad.

Mike is cycling every day.

I go to work everyday. So since I'm blogging from work I keep looking around and I better go until I find THE RIGHT time to blog. But I was just soooooo excited to find my site again whooooohooooo
